Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Important Announcements!

Hey, guys!

So my month has been borderline insane this last month. After the whole holiday season was over, HAPPY HOLIDAYS GUYS!, I've been non-stop studying for tests and exams and it's just been a nightmare.

There was some amazing news I've received over break, however. My flash-fiction story, Library, won an Interlochen flash-fiction contest. You guys cannot fathom how excited this made me! It was the best Christmas present in the world. So you can check it out here.

On another note, Prowl: Silver Foundations, has been added to Wattpad. I just posted it about five minutes ago, so it's really fresh. There are only two chapters up, as well, but I do hope you enjoy it!

I'm off to take an AP Psych test... Wish me luck!

(I'm pretty sure I'll fail it)
